I love coaching but have found that most clients have a hard time deciding on what to cook. I prefer my clients to learn healthy habits and eat balanced meals with their family. So I'm starting to put together a one day example of a 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000 calorie
diet and show you that you can have real food and
meals with your family while still working towards
your goals

40g sliced avocado
140g strawberries
(recipe is in my Healthy eats with Miranda cookbook, use code MEALPLAN for 20% off)
Spinach & Feta Turkey Burger on a Oroweat whole wheat bun
28g Almonds
Approximate Calories 1546, Fat 55, Carbs 136.6, Protein 134.7
If you are interested in coaching or a macro count, click here. Please email with any questions.