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Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Cafe Rio was something I knew I couldn't give up when I starting counting macros. Well I couldn't give up Mexican food at all. The good thing is you can still enjoy Cafe Rio and not feel like you have used all your macros for the day. The other nice thing about Cafe Rio is

they have a nutrition calculator on their

website. So you can get an idea of what your

macros will be for you meal.

Here is my go to when I go to Cafe Rio

Chicken Tostada with black beans, rice, lettuce, pico, and cilantro. (No cheese, sour cream, or tortilla strips)

Calories: 448


Carbs: 61

Protein: 46

For dressing it really depends on my goals at the time. I will either use Bolthouse dressing which is around 30-45 calories per servings or order the Creamy Tomatillo Dressing which add another 181 calories, 20 fat, 4 carbs, and 2 protein.

Another great option is

Chicken Enchilada on corn tortilla with medium sauce, black beans, pico, lettuce. (no cheese or rice)

Calories: 350

Fat: 10

Carbs: 50

Protein: 23

Always keep in mind that when eating out its a estimate on nutrition/macros. This doesn't mean that you need to restrict the rest of the day or do extra cardio because you ate out. But try to include veggies in your other meals throughout the day.

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