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Updated: May 18, 2024

Here is how to create a sourdough starter from scratch.

how to start a sourdough starter from scratch

What you will need

- unbleached flour or whole wheat four (I prefer whole wheat flour)

- filtered water not tap water

- mason jar


In a clean jar mix together 60 grams of water and 60 grams of flour. Make sure you mix well. Cover with a paper towel and rubber band. Set on counter top for 24 hours.


You most likely will not see any activity after one day. Go ahead and discard half of the mixture into another jar or trash. I save mine and make discard recipes. Now feed your sourdough starter by adding another 60 grams of water and 60 grams of flour to your mixture and mix well. Cover with a paper towel and rubber band. Set on counter top for 24 hours.

Day 3-5

Today you might see some bubbles forming if you don't that is fine. Again discard half of your mixture. And feed your sourdough starter by adding another 60 grams of water and 60 grams of flour. Mix well and cover with a paper towel and rubber band. Set on counter top for 24 hours.

DAY 6-until it becomes active

Today you will start feeding your sourdough starter every 12 hours until it becomes active. So go ahead and discard half you mixture. Feed another 60 grams of water and 60 grams of flour. Cover with a paper towel and rubber band. Set on your counter top and repeat every 12 hours.

When I was creating my sourdough starter mine didn't become active until day 9-10. If your house is too cold it could make it take longer. So I like to set my sourdough start in my microwave after I feed it as it is a consistent temperature. I also always make sure I use room temperature water.

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