These Freezer Egg White Turkey Bacon Breakfast Sandwiches are the perfect breakfast for on the go or a busy mom that feels like she never has time in the morning to make herself
something to eat.

Ever since becoming a mom to two under two I feel like my morning are crazy between making London breakfast, feeding Asher, pumping, and getting myself something to eat that is healthy and has balanced macros in it. So these egg white turkey bacon breakfast sandwiches are prefect to have on hand for busy mornings.

552g egg whites
12 slices cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9x13 inch casserole dish with non stick cooking spray.
Add egg whites to casserole dish and season with salt and pepper. bake for 18-20 minutes or until eggs are completely cooked.
Remove from oven and allow to cool before cutting into 12 squares.
Cut English muffin in half an add egg, cheese, and turkey bacon. Repeat until all sandwiches are done.
Wrap in parchment paper and place in freezer bag.
To heat place in microwave for 1 minute then flip and cook for another 30-60 seconds or until warm all the way through.

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