, pub-9835322174736248, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-9835322174736248, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-9835322174736248, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 DARK CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY TRUFFLES
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Updated: Jun 20, 2023

I was inspired to make these truffles after Ideal Fit came out with a new protein powder Dark Chocolate Raspberry. I love making energy bites but really wanted something else this time. Still kept in mind that I wanted to make them macro friendly and feel like I was having a treat.


96g (6 Tbsp) almond butter

2 scoops Chocolate protein powder

42g (2 Tbsp) pure honey

70g frozen raspberries

60g dark chocolate chips

7g coconut oil


1. In a food processor, mix together oats and protein powder. Add frozen raspberries and pulse a few times. Add almond butter and honey, mix well.

2. Roll into balls. Each ball is about 31g. Freeze for 30 minutes.

3. In a small bowl, melt together chocolate chips and coconut oil. Roll each ball in chocolate mixture. Makes 10 balls.

4. Store in freeze or refrigerator. I prefer freezer.

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