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Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Favorite post workout meal lately has been protein pancakes. These pancakes are made with Kodiak cakes Powder cakes. They have 19 grams of protein per serving. They are fluffy and not dry like other protein pancakes.


46g egg whites

40g banana

2-3 Tbsp water


1. In a small bowl, smash banana. Add in egg whites and water. Mix well.

2. Add Kodiak cakes and mix well.

3. Heat frying pan over medium heat and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Pour 1/4 cup of batter onto frying pan. Repeat until batter is finished.

4. Top with fruit and syrup. (not included in nutritional info)

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1 commentaire

Rachel Weiner
Rachel Weiner
28 mars 2021

Is this for one serving size?

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